
This is a brief summary of the Settlement Launch and our most recent Town Hall. Please keep in mind that many details for mechanics will not be able to be set, or may change, depending on development in the core gameplay. We are still very early in development, and having fun gameplay is the highest priority.

Settlement Launch - A Retrospective

By the Numbers

Unique users visiting the game during the Settlement Launch (Nov 25 - Dec 16)

Unique users visiting the game during the Settlement Launch (Nov 25 - Dec 16)

Number of Players

We define F2P players as wallets who didn’t own a character by the end of the Settlement Launch, and had completed the dungeon at least 1 day. Paid players are those who had purchased at least 1 character. We’ve filtered out over 100k bot accounts, which were not included in any of the statistics shown here and later.

F2P players 18,436
F2P who played for 2 or more days 8,111
F2P who played for 7 or more days 877
Paid players 24,934
Paid players who played for 2 or more days 21,217
Paid players who played for 7 or more days 17,293

Player Engagement Rates

Since not every player joined the Settlement Launch at the same time, not all players were able to play the same number of days. Therefore, instead of comparing by total number of days played, we can normalize the data based on the amount of event days available for a player. For example, if a player joined the Settlement Launch on the last day and only played on that last day, their engagement rate would be 100% because they played 100% of the days that they were able to.

Here’s what our engagement rates looked like for the different types of players during the Settlement Launch:

25th percentile 50th percentile 75th percentile 95th percentile
F2P 6.25% 11.1% 18.8% 62.5%
F2P who played for 2 or more days 16.7% 16.7% 31.3% 80.0%
Paid 58.3% 87.5% 100% 100%

F2P Conversion Rate

We were curious about how many players started playing with free accounts before purchasing their first character and converting into paid players. We also compared these converted players against the cohort of free players who played the same number of days but didn’t convert.

count as % of total paid players as % of free players who played the same number of days
Total Paid 24,934 100%
Total F2P → Paid 2,585 10.4% 14.0%
Converted after 2 or more days of F2P play 788 3.16% 9.72%
Converted after 3 or more days of F2P play 366 1.47% 6.35%
Converted after 4 or more days of F2P play 180 0.722% 8.30%
Converted after 5 or more days of F2P play 112 0.449% 7.32%
Converted after 6 or more days of F2P play 68 0.273% 6.01%
Converted after 7 or more days of F2P play 45 0.180% 5.13%

Core Features/Fixes Shipped During Settlement Launch

More Variations in Dungeon Expeditions

We were very delighted by the addition of certain features into the Dungeon Expeditions, and we hope you were delighted too. In particular, we wanted to make it more difficult for players to skip (dash through) the “fun” parts of the dungeon while also not punishing more novice players. As such, we shipped the following: