Author: Davy

Welcome to our fourth update in our Monthly Update series, a series of posts that recap our game development progress in the preceding month.

🗓️ Save the Dates

At long last, we have some dates to add to your calendars. We will be releasing more details very soon. Save these dates:

November 25, 2022: Start of the Settlement Launch

For 3 weeks, the community will be able to try out an early version of the The Beacon's Homestead Mode and Single-player PvE. During this period, players can also:

[Tentative Range] December 15th - 19th, 2022: Pets Mint

Whitelisted members and raffle ticket holders will be able to mint our 4096 generation-0 pets. Pets will start off as eggs before hatching (with some TLC from their loving owners ❤️).

[Tentative Range] January 15th - 19th, 2023: Pets hatch


🛠️ Building out the Homestead Mode