Author: Abab

A very special event happened in January when all Moonfae came to be. Character transfers also became available at the end of the month.

Cobalt Moon Hatching

Settlers from Altaris are about to experience a once-in-a-lifetime event. What are these creatures? Where do they come from? All we know for certain is that the moon seems to be involved.


During this event, all of the Gen-0 Pet Eggs minted back in December hatched and came to life as beautiful Moonfae.

Nicomo, the second-best roll ****with 4 Ancestral Body Parts and 4 Blessing Slots.

Nicomo - The second-best roll

Nicomo - The second-best roll

Dedaje, the perfect roll with 5 out of 5 Ancestral Body Parts and Blessing Slots.

Dedaje - “The Perfect Roll”

Dedaje - “The Perfect Roll”

We also held our very first livestream during this event, and it was a blast!

[We were fortunate to have community member flipdrago hatch many of his eggs on stream with us. One of his eggs hatched into a beautiful Moonfae with 5 blessing slots!](

We were fortunate to have community member flipdrago hatch many of his eggs on stream with us. One of his eggs hatched into a beautiful Moonfae with 5 blessing slots!

Check the summary with all the cool details here 👉 Cobalt Moon Hatching Summary

Character Transfers!

And as promised, at the end of January founding character transfers became available.

Check the whole collection here 👇

The Beacon - Founding Characters | Trove

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